Mature Tulip tree – Fell and replace.
Our Response

The tree as existing closely abuts the garden boundary facing onto St Catherine’s Close, and constitutes a well-developed, prominent specimen within the streetscape which positively contributes to the green, roadside treatment in this area.

Where the loss of this tree would be considered to result in some adverse impact on the character of the wider area, it is recognised that the felling works have been raised based on concerns regarding the structural stability of the tree and potential for failure, as indicated within the accompanying report.

Where it can be demonstrated that this tree cannot be safely retained, we acknowledge the justification provided for its removal, but encourage consideration of replanting a replacement of a suitable species and potential size to maintain the tree canopy and green setting in this area.

Application Number: 23/01742/TCA
Application Date: 12/05/2023
Closing Date: 02/06/2023
Address: 10 St Ann's Way, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment