Erection of side porch.
Our Response

10 Lime Grove forms part of an unlisted late 19th century section of Victorian terraced houses, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The terrace has a prominent 3-4 storey presence within the streetscape in Bath stone ashlar, defined by its symmetrical 4 storey gable ends that then reduce to a more modest three storeys in the main building body with well-balanced chimney stacks and two storey bay windows. It further matches a second section of terrace contemporaneous in age further north along Lime Grove, although this terrace is of a greater scale at 4-5 storeys. Within the Pulteney Road Character Area Conservation Appraisal, both sections of terrace at Lime Grove are included as part of a wider group with Pulteney Avenue, Pulteney Gardens, and Pulteney Grove as an identified “enclave of conventional late-19th century bay fronted Bath-stone terraces, well kept and all of a piece.” These buildings are identified as unlisted buildings of merit due to their local distinctiveness and grouped value as a well-kept example of Victorian terraced housing, and consequently the two terraces at Lime Grove (with emphasis on their interconnected architectural merit and historic significance due to their geographical proximity and architectural similarity) are considered to be Non-Designated Heritage Assets (NDHAs).

We have some concerns regarding the proposed addition of an enclosed porch to the end of the terrace and the possible loss of the existing stone overhang. Each end of both terrace similarly features a simple yet attractive stone overhang that demarcates the main access to each dwelling, and is likely original to the terrace. The addition of a porch appears to require the loss of this overhang, and would have an unbalancing effect on the unified appearance of the terrace.

Should the principle of a porch in this location be considered appropriate, we encourage that the stone overhang is retained internally as part of the original detailing of the building, and the wider, symmetrical articulation of the terrace.

We suggest that a more traditional railing treatment in this area would be more appropriate than a glazed balustrade.

Application Number: 21/05486/FUL
Application Date: 10/12/2021
Closing Date: 03/02/2022
Address: 10 Lime Grove, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment