10 Argyle Street, Bathwick, Bath
10 Argyle Street forms part of a Grade II* late 18th century terrace of shops situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It is positioned adjacent to the principal facades of, and is contemporary to, the Grade II late 18th century terrace 1-5 Argyle Street, and forms part of the traditional, commercial streetscape around and over the Grade I Pulteney Bridge. The terrace presents a fine façade in Bath stone ashlar, with three bay upper storeys and tall dividing chimney stacks bookenended between palatial, pedimented facades at 8 and 17 Argyle Street. There is a pleasant diversity of ground floor shopfront treatments, with 10 Argyle Street being one of several buildings with “projecting C20 `character' shopfronts” as described by Historic England.
We appreciate that due to the rotten condition of the existing timber sash boxes, these require replacement to allow for the continued function of the upper floor sash windows. It is unclear as to whether these remain in situ or in one piece, but as these may be of some historic value to the building, we encourage that these are photographically recorded as part of the ongoing historical narrative of the building before they are removed.
From the proposals described, we presume that the replacement sash boxes will facilitate the continued use of the existing windows, and the replacement of the sashes themselves is not proposed.