1 Wood Street, Bath
The building is listed Grade 1 by John Wood the Elder, along with 1-6. The terrace has fine later forward projecting set of shopfronts, with Corinthian columns. This run of fine shopfronts is not entirely regular and there variations in details for example of the Corinthian pilasters. Paired doors are mentioned in the list description and No 1 and 2 were once such a pair. No 1 has lost its doors, but No 2 still retains them. Other than there are two sets of metal gates on entrances further along, where the patterns of doorways is different, no informed justification based on research has been made for the proposed metal gates.
Night-time security could be provided by replacing the paired doors exactly to match those at No 2. The Trust therefore objects to this proposed alteration on the basis of the loss of significance to the pair of listed buildings as a result of the harm to the symmetry of the pair of entrances, with no public benefit to outweigh this harm. These buildings are at the heart of the World Heritage Site.
The proposal would therefore be contrary to the requirements of PMP Policy B4 and HE1 and the policies set out in National Planning Policy Framework Section 16.