Erection of 1no. 1bed dwelling following demolition of existing building.
Our Response

1 Margaret’s Hill is situated to the rear of the Grade II elevated Georgian terrace of Walcot Parade, within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. This area is characterised by its low-density development and the positive incorporation of green infrastructure such as mature trees and hedges. Examples of construction directly to the rear of Walcot Parade are typically single storey garages that enable the visual reveal of the rear terrace façade.

BPT is pleased to see that an LBC has been submitted for this scheme due to the outhouse’s ancillary significance to the historic, aesthetic, and evidential interest of the rear of the Grade II listed Walcot Parade. However, as no Heritage Statement has been included as part of this application, we are unable to assess the suitability of the proposal. We would advise that a Heritage Statement is submitted in accordance with paragraph 189 of the NPPF before this application is permitted to progress any further.

Application Number: 19/05241/LBA
Application Date: 03/12/2019
Closing Date: 05/01/2020
Address: 1 Margaret's Hill, Walcot
Our Submission Status: Comment