Alterations and part reconstruction of frontage boundary wall to form independent vehicular accesses to Nos. 1 and 3 Hamilton Road.
Our Response

1 Hamilton Road is an unlisted late 20th century detached house situated within the Bath Conservation Area and World Heritage Site. The site appears to have historically formed part of a larger 19th century formal garden or parkland which may have been associated with The Ferns. The eastern segment of land has since been developed to form 1-9 Hamilton Road. However, a Bath stone ashlar wall has been retained along the southern verge, and appears to be a remnant of the historic boundary wall that has since been repurposed. The existing boundary wall positively contributes to the wider streetscape character of Hamilton Road which is characterised by sections of Bath stone ashlar boundary wall to the east (which has been later eroded by areas of replacement and the creation of new driveway accesses), and a rubble stone wall to the east, reinforced with green planting and trees along the southern extent of the Kingswood School playing fields.

This extent of boundary wall, whilst having been eroded by later development and alteration, has retained associated evidential value as part of a larger 19th century ‘estate’ or garden site which is indicative of the historic layout, plan form, and residential typology of the Lansdown character area.

We therefore note some concerns regarding the creation of a new driveway access and the resulting, further loss of boundary wall to the detriment of the character and appearance of the conservation area. The presence of previous later openings in the wall is not considered a suitable precedent or justification for continued erosion of a historic boundary feature and resulting detriment to the conservation area.

We note that there are a series of heritage gains proposed such as repointing works and the replacement of the concrete pillar caps in natural Bath stone; however, these works could be undertaken separately and as such are attributed limited weight in the planning balance against potential harm to the conservation area.

Application Number: 22/04366/FUL
Application Date: 28/10/2022
Closing Date: 08/12/2022
Address: 1 Hamilton Road, Lansdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment