1 Fersfield, Lyncombe, Bath
The proposed location of tree works is the garden setting of 1 Fersfield, situated within the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area and the World Heritage Site. The site is also included within the Bath & Bristol Green Belt and the Cotswolds AONB. The areas of woodland to the immediate north and west of the garden perimeter form part of a Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI). The wider Perrymead area is noted for its high concentration of tree cover and the semi-rural qualities of the local area, well-enclosed from more built-up residential areas to the south such as Combe Down. The site forms part of a woodland belt, identified as a significant aspect of the wider character area’s perceived open green space in the Conservation Area Character Appraisal: “significant bands of woodland enclose the Character Area, most notably around Rainbow Wood and the upper slopes of Perrymead where it backs onto the Foxhill site.”
The removal of trees where these are indicated to be infected or dying is acceptable. Nonetheless, we take the opportunity to emphasise the cumulative value of tree cover in this area, as part of a larger area of woodland planting, towards the overall character and appearance of the area. We encourage where possible that tree removal should be considered as part of a long-term tree maintenance plan where tree felling may be mitigated through planting of suitable replacement species to appropriately maintain and enhance the existing tree canopy.