External alterations to include installation of signage.
Our Response

The Trust objects to the proposal to install a hanging sign on the front elevation of the building as this intrudes upon and therefore clutters this architecturally and historically important elevation. On balance we do not object to the curved fascia sign (as long as the materials for this are felt appropriate) as we recognise pragmatically that the business within the building needs some signage to attract customers and that it is better for the listed building to be in active use.

The proposed hanging sign would neither preserve nor enhance the special interest of the listed building, the character and appearance of the conservation area and would detract from the special qualities of the WHS. The scheme would be contrary to Section 16 (Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment) of the NPPF, policies B1, B2, B4, and CP6 of the B&NES Core Strategy and policies CP6, D.2, HE1, D.9, B.4, B.2 of the Placemaking Plan. It is also contrary to the Commercial Signage and Tables/Chairs in the Conservation Area SPD. We would therefore recommend the application be amended to withdraw this element of the proposals.

Application Number: 18/03789/LBA
Application Date: 20/09/2018
Closing Date: 20/09/2018
Address: 1-3 James Street West, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Object