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What’s On

Bath Preservation Trust Events What’s On at Bath Preservation Trust No. 1 Royal Crescent Events What’s on at No. 1 Royal Crescent Bath World Heritage Site and Setting Everything you…

Green Belt

Find out more about the Green Belt and Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) here. BPT campaigns and advocates for the protection of the Green Belt. The Bristol and…

Park & Ride Sites

For further information about the 2015 proposals for an East of Bath Park & Ride, please click here. As part of the B&NES Local Plan Partial Update, it was proposed…

Building Heights

In the City of Bath World Heritage Site new taller than average buildings require sensitive care in their siting, setting, context, design and cumulative impact. Excellence in the design of…

eNews & Planning Updates

  You can sign up to our monthly eNews here, through which you’ll receive regular updates about our museums and planning & campaigns activities. All past issues are also available…

Best Practice

With our expert advisors we review and discuss examples of innovative and exciting design to understand more about design excellence achieved through community consultation, masterplanning, architecture, and placemaking and open…

Signs & Adverts

One of the special characteristics of Bath’ street scene is its distinctive and varied use of historic shopfronts and traditional signage techniques, central to the characterisation of the city’s thriving…

5G Masts

The use of 5G, and the associated installation of equipment to support 5G provision, has become increasingly common in Bath in the last few years, as part of a national…

Further Resources

The UK Dark Skies Partnership (UKDSP) gives a list of guidance here. Towards a Dark Sky Standard is guidance produced by the South Downs National Park. The UKDSP: Local Authorities,…

Local Plan

Local Plan 2022-2042 A new Local Plan for the B&NES district is being prepared. It is the Local Authority’s mechanism for deciding how the district grows, managing change, delivering places…