With our expert advisors we review and discuss examples of innovative and exciting design to understand more about design excellence achieved through community consultation, masterplanning, architecture, and placemaking and open up conversations about how this might be applied in Bath. The examples below include a range of different building projects, including historic buildings and the retrofit of existing structures, public realm projects and creation of new public spaces, large-scale developments and regeneration sites.

If you have any projects you’d like to share please get in touch at conservation@bptrust.org.uk 

Development & Masterplanning

Hawley Wharf, Camden, London

The Hawley Wharf Masterplan by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris transformed a neglected site in the heart of Camden Town into a vibrant new destination, enhancing the inherent identity of the area. The site incorporates a series of railway viaducts and the Grade II 1 Hawley Road, with the creation of three major new public spaces and several new pedestrian routes which reconnect the site with its neighbourhood. Eight new buildings would provide a mix of new affordable and private homes, a primary school workspaces, artisanal and industrial workshops, a local cinema, and retail/market space. Find out more >>>

East Quay Arts Centre, Watchet, Somerset

A social enterprise-led project for the redevelopment of Watchet Harbour includes a gallery, restaurant, studios and places to stay, which opened Summer 2021. East Quay supports creative practitioners, and intends to bring national and international artists to the South West. The architects are Invisible Studio and Ellis Williams Architects. Find out more >>>

Broadmarsh Shopping Centre, Nottingham

Proposals for the demolition of a 1970s shopping centre, to be transformed into wetlands, pocket woodlands and a wildflower meadow as part of a post-pandemic urban rewilding project. The space would be intended to go against the conventional idea of urban parks, with a focus on rewilding and connecting with nature. Find out more >>>

Van B Residential Building, Infanteriestrasse, Munich

UNStudios developed plans for a 142-unit apartment block with shared communal space and ‘furniture modules’ to enable recreation of internal apartment space depending on residential use/preference. Find out more >>>

Hawley Wharf (credit AHMM)
East Quay Watchet (credit East Quay Watchet)
Broadmarsh Shopping Centre Masterplan Visuals (credit Heatherwick Studio)


Windward House, Gloucestershire

Proposals for a two storey contemporary extension to an 18th century Georgian farmhouse, situated on a hillside overlooking the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Beauty (AONB). With an angular form finished with frameless glazing and black cladding, the extension was intended to read as a separate and overtly modern addition to the main historic building. The architect is Alison Brooks Architects, also responsible for Albert Crescent in Bath. Find out more >>>

Manchester Jewish Museum

An award-winning project for the restoration of a 19th century Grade II synagogue with the provision of a new café, shop, learning studio, kitchen, gallery space, and visitor entrance in a contemporary two storey side extension with a backlit Corten steel façade. Citizens Design Bureau engaged with community stakeholders throughout, inviting them to draw up their own designs for the museum. Find out more >>>

St Mary of Eton, Hackney Wick

Works by Matthew Lloyd Architects LLP for the redevelopment of a Grade II* church to provide 27 residential units (1-bed to 4-bed flats) with a new church centre, community facilities, and landscaping. The historic church tower forms a separate five-bed dwelling. The new apartment buildings sought to draw from and reflect the original church’s use of materials and detailing, such as the use of two tone brick. Find out more >>>

Clifford’s Tower, York

Hugh Broughton Architects led the project for English Heritage to improve access to and visitor facilities at a Scheduled Ancient Monument, whilst fostering better interpretation of the site and Monument’s history. The brief required an ‘inspiring and sensitively designed new structure within the historic monument’ with improvements to access, interpretation and facilities for visitors and staff. Find out more >>>

Shatwell Farm Studio, Somerset

The refurbishment of a 19th century agricultural barn in Somerset into a family archive building by Hugh Strange Architects. The dilapidated brick and stone shell was stabilised, and a new timber structure was inserted inside. Find out more >>>

Windward House, Gloucestershire (credit Alison Brooks Architects)
Manchester Jewish Museum (credit Citizens Design Bureau)
St Mary of Eton Church (credit Matthew Lloyd Architects)

Retrofit & Low Carbon

Zetland Passive House, Manchester

The Zetland Passive House is cited as the UK’s greenest retrofit and one of the first homes to attain EnerPHit Plus certification in Europe. Built in 1894, these two Victorian townhouses were upgraded by Ecospheric Developments to install triple glazing, cavity wall insulation, PV panels, MVHR, and the first ever example of Passivehaus stained glass, to achieve a 95% reduction in heating demand. Find out more >>>

Central Hill Estate, London

A conceptual design by Michelle Ho from the Bartlett School of Architecture. Proposals to retrofit existing housing estates and increase their density. Plans show the demolition of segments of the structure, retaining a basic concrete shell, with the mounting of a new wooden frame onto the remaining social housing structure and fitted with customisable housing units to improve living space and create new residential units. Find out more >>>

Sands End Arts and Community Centre, Fulham, London

The development of a new creative Arts and Community Centre for Hammersmith & Fulham Council by Mae Architects. The centre is set within its own garden space and provides spaces for art exhibitions and community events with an ancillary café and children’s day nursery. The structure is built from materials with low embodied energy, including timber and a specialist brick made out of construction waste. Recyclable fixings were also chosen where possible. Find out more >>>

Zetland Passive House (credit Ecospheric)
Sands End Arts and Community Centre Interior (credit Mae Architects)

Public Realm

3D-Printed Pedestrian ‘MX3D Bridge’, Oudezijds Achterburgwal, Amsterdam

Joris Laarman designed and 3D-printed a 12 metre long pedestrian bridge in stainless steel, spanning the Oudezijds Achterburgwal in Amsterdam. The team claimed that the technique showed how 3D-printing technology can lead to more efficient and sustainable structures that use less materials. The bridge has also been fitted with sensors to enable it to track data such as corrosion, load changes, environmental conditions and pedestrian use. Find out more >>>

The Floating Island, Snaggaardbrug Bridge, Bruges

OBBA & Dertien12 were involved in the construction of a 100m floating platform to create additional public space within the Bruges city centre. The pavilion was made up of pontoons on the water, metal frames, deck plates, metal pillars, upper metal rails connecting the pillars, and rope curtains to create screening, but also strong enough to be climbed or swung on for interactive play. Find out more >>>

Bruges Diptych, Bruges

PARA Project installed a temporary wooden pavilion floating on a canal in Bruges, Belgium, as an events space for the 2021 Bruges Triennial. The structure is intended to be a “doppelgänger” of an adjacent 15th-century canal house. This was an exploration of the “hidden spaces” that reveal the reality of life behind the outward image of the city’s famous medieval centre, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Find out more >>>

3D-Printed MX3D Bridge (credit Dezeen)
The Floating Island (credit OBBA)