The Trust has very recently responded in detail to the Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation which considers options relating to the establishment of new strategic policies and amend existing policies for the region. In particular, we’ve been pleased to see proposed new policy options relating to housing and purpose built student accommodation, but we have also been astonished to see that B&NES’s current proposed Vision for the future of the region does not include a reference to heritage, which is of key economic, social and cultural value to its current and future success. We are also concerned that there is no proposed vision for retail within the city, which is in decline, and we also felt the proposed policy relating to holiday accommodation was too weak and lacked clarity. You can read our full response here.
We have suggested a simple addition to the wording of the ‘Vision’ (added words underlined);
Bath and North East Somerset will be internationally renowned as a beautifully inventive, and entrepreneurial and forward looking place with a world class heritage, a strong social purpose and a spirit of wellbeing, where everyone is invited to think big – a ‘connected’ area ready to create an enduring legacy for future generations.