BPT has submitted our response to the redevelopment of the Scala site. You can read our response by clicking here, and it is also available via the BATHNES planning portal (see application 20/00552/FUL).
BPT is supportive of the principle of development on this site, and encourages a scheme that implements a mix of uses. We feel that the removal of the 1960s extension would be of aesthetic benefit to the area.
Unfortunately, we are unable to support the current scheme which would result in the reduction of existing community space by around 50% to provide private residential units. We have additional concerns regarding the loss of the rear quarter of the Scala’s roof, a structure of local historic interest, without suitable evidence of justifiable public benefit.
We feel that aspects of the design, such as the proposed height of the central courtyard building, do not reflect the established architectural character of the Oldfield Park area, and will instead visually dominate the area.
We would like to see a design that recognises the grand scale and framing of the Scala by being more recessive in height and massing. Ultimately, we do not consider that the proposed residential benefits suitably mitigate harm to a Non-Designated Heritage Asset and harm to a popular community facility.