BPT has submitted its response to the Bath Rugby development proposals for a new stadium on The Rec. Trustees were supportive and encouraged by the improvement to the scheme and the response of the design team to consultation and feedback provided by BPT and others. BPT has engaged with successive proposals including the current plans at pre-app stage and following submission into the planning system. Recognising that the design team has endeavoured to address significant concerns previously expressed, BPT continues to have major reservations about several issues, including:
- The visual impact of the West Stand elevation
- Materials and detailing, particularly of the curtain walling and colonnade
- The finish and appearance of the east stand
- The discordant appearance of the north west corner
- An evident absence of advertising proposals which are understood to follow in a future application. This is unacceptable and introduces risk of future harm
Overall, we remain to be convinced that the public benefits of the scheme (specifically the riverside public realm) is sufficient to outweigh a degree of harm to multiple heritage assets, character and appearance of the conservation area, and Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site. Further work is necessary to demonstrate enhanced design quality, a reduced impact on townscape character and views, including Orange Grove, Grand Parade, the Recreation Ground and Pulteney Road, and further improvements to the Riverside public realm.
For the reasons set out above the proposed development fails to demonstrate compliance with the following B&NES Local Plan, Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan policies and the application should not be approved in its current form. Given the importance of the forthcoming technical review of the scheme being led by ICOMOS, BPT expects there will be further potentially significant revisions, providing the opportunity to positively address the points raised.
Our full response can be read here
All images @StadiumforBath