Formerly a warehouse on the edge of the earlier Victorian Gasworks, BPT was engaged at pre-application stage about proposals for the redevelopment of this site. We initially raised concerns with the scheme, in particular the proposed building heights, stepped back roof treatments and the overall bulk and scale of development.


2016 – Reserved Matters Application

Just before application 15/01932/EOUT was permitted at Planning Committee, reserved matters application 16/03114/ERES was submitted in July of the same year for Phase 1 of the scheme, incorporating the whole east side of the site. BPT’s concerns regarding excessive height, inappropriate materials and stepped back roof arrangements had not been addressed and we opposed the scheme on grounds that it would fail to respond to the largely domestic scale of its local townscape.

Read our response to the 2016 planning application here.

The reserved matters application was permitted at Planning Committee in November 2016. Construction of the first phase of residential apartments commenced in 2017. The development of further phases on the site are ongoing as of 2022.


2015 – Outline Application for Mixed-Use Redevelopment of the Site

Outline application 15/01932/EOUT subsequently came forward for a mixed-use development of 171 flats, flexible business employment floorspace, and ground floor commercial space close to Windsor Bridge and next to the Chivers House site. BPT objected to the scheme on grounds of “the bulk, massing, height and layout of the proposed buildings, poor connection with the riverside and failure to reflect and harmonise with the pattern and grain of the local area, or present a street frontage which respects Bath’s coherent townscape character.”

Read our response to the 2015 planning application here

The developers submitted some changes to the proposed outline scheme in September 2015; however, we remained concerned by the bulk, scale and design of the development.

Read our revised October 2015 submission here.

Application 15/01932/EOUT was permitted at Planning Committee in August 2016.