Lidl GB and Bath Rugby (Arena 1865) have exchanged contracts on part of the land owned by the club at Lambridge, Bath, with the intention that Lidl GB will deliver a bespoke new and highly sustainable food store beside Bath RFC’s existing training facilities.


2023 – Planning Application for New Lidl Store on London Road Site

Planning application 23/02212/FUL has been submitted for the development of a new supermarket on London Road, proposing a single storey 2,283sqm building and associated access and parking at the eastern ‘gateway’ to the World Heritage Site.

BPT has responded to the application, submitting an objection on grounds of insufficient landscape visual impact assessment, which should be submitted to properly assess the degree of harm to the World Heritage Site and its landscape setting, and raised strong concerns about the impact of development on the character of the gateway site. We have raised further concerns on the following points:

  • The proposed impact of development on traffic congestion along London Road.
  • The potential consequences of a new supermarket for the local high street in Larkhall, and how this would affect this high street’s existing vitality.
  • How effective the proposed ecological mitigation and enhancement measures would be in close proximity to the new store, and with increased levels of external lighting.

Read our objection response here.


2022/2023 – Pre-Application Engagement and Public Consultation

At the end of 2022, BPT was invited to consult with the development team at pre-application stage. While supportive of a bespoke low carbon, and contemporary approach to a new supermarket we emphasised that in principle the development this open site would be dependent on the degree of harm to local landscape character, the World Heritage Site landscape setting, and other environmental impacts. In response to our initial feedback, the designs were revised to address our comments on the building’s height and appearance, and how it would sit within both its landscape and immediate streetscape setting.

The design team undertook a public consultation both in-person and online in May 2023. The online consultation documents are available here.

Ahead of a response to the anticipated planning application, scheduled to come forward by Summer 2023, BPT published an open letter emphasising our intention to pursue a heritage-led approach when considering the scheme with a focus on sustaining and enhancing the Outstanding Universal Values of the World Heritage Site and its green landscape setting, as well as ensuring that any development on this site secures the appropriate level of biodiversity net gain.