From 2011, Bath Spa University has been developing a masterplan for Phase 1 of the long-term redevelopment of the Newton Park Campus which is located to the west of Bath. The Park is a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden. This unique landscape of historic importance is located in the Green Belt and characterised by a significant Grade I historic house, nationally important scheduled monuments, the Wansdyke and Newton St Loe Castle, a Grade I Listed castle keep, Grade II* listed Italian garden and stable blocks and significant curtilage structures including a walled garden.

The existing masterplan vision 2014-2029 is available here.


2012 – Proposed Works to Grade II* Landscape Garden

BPT responded to later application 12/02142/LBA for alterations to the southern walled garden and the Grade II* Italian garden. We generally considered that the continued educational use of the site and provision of onsite student accommodation would relieve pressures on family housing and constitute very special circumstances in the Green Belt.

Read our comments to the 2012 application here.

Application 12/02142/LBA was granted planning consent in December 2012.


2010 – Proposals for Development of New Academic Building

BPT responded to application 10/04747/EFUL for the development of a new 2/3 storey academic building as part of the Phase 1 masterplan. We objected to the overall bulk of the building, considering the historic landscape sensitivity of its garden setting.

Read our response to the 2010 application here.

Application 10/04747/EFUL was subsequently permitted in March 2012.