If you live in an old house, you’ll appreciate that ‘a stitch in time saves nine’ and regular maintenance is critical for protecting a building and preventing further expensive repairs downstream.

Here are some helpful hints and tips for looking after buildings, keeping them in good condition which helps them to function more energy efficiently, and sustains their future use, heritage and financial value.

🏡 Make a ‘log book’ for your home record and photograph repairs and keep records of the maintenance work undertaken.

🏡 Make a checklist for the inspection and maintenance of your home. Historic England and SPAB for have detailed guidance on how to do this.

🏡 Seek professional advice about the approach to extensions, alterations, maintenance and repairs. We are here to help, and you can contact us by email at conservation@bptrust.org.uk

🏡 Check your roof (looking out of windows or from the ground) to see if there are any loose of slipped slates or tiles, moss, vegetation, damaged flashings, or rips and tears in coverings that would that need to be addressed.

🏡 Check flat roofs, gutters and hoppers – look for leaks and blockages from ground level if it is raining. Do not attempt high level work, only clear leaf debris and blockages if you can do so safely.

🏡 Check chimneys for cracks and damaged pots – can you walk to see this from nearby? Check flues for any obstructions. Arrange for any repairs when possible.

🏡 Check the loft for any signs of damp or water ingress when it rains and arrange for roof repairs.

🏡 Clean windows and repaint timber window frames. Check for decay. The traditional colour for Bath’s heritage homes is off white and matte rather than brilliant white gloss.

🏡 Clean exterior paving stones, stone pathways or decking boards which have become slippery.

🏡 Clean and repaint painted exterior railings – regularly to prevent rust.

🏡 Prune climbing and trailing plants growing close to your home over stone walls to prevent damage.

🏡 Check exterior paintwork and arrange decorating for the future.

🏡 Check radiators are they heating are heating your home properly and efficiently, do they need bleeding?

🏡 Clean behind radiators, ready to fit reflective panels – these deflect heat back and save energy.

🏡 Check extract fans for build-up of dust and clear it away to improve air circulation.

🏡 Clean shutters, blinds and curtains if they can be washed at home.

🏡 Make a list of energy efficiency projects for your home and start researching the best approach. Read Warmer Bath for inspiration.