On 05/02/14 Bath Chronicle covered the impending determination of the Saw Close casino development planning application.
The article reported that “The [Bath Preservation Trust] is of the opinion that introducing a new modern build of good design has the opportunity to improve the rather chaotic collection of existing buildings, and make an attractive addition to the public realm.”
Bath Preservation Trust would like to make clear to our members and to the public that the ‘quote’ in the Chronicle is an extract from the Planning Officer’s report, which has been abbreviated from our fuller response to the planning application.
BPT’s Architecture and Planning Committee had two pre-application meetings with the developers and their architects (Aaron Evans Partnership) and then considered the planning application as submitted and the amendments made subsequently. We made a number of detailed comments, both positive and negative, which added up to a nuanced position that was neither an objection nor a support: rather it was a ‘comment’. The extract in the Chronicle does not therefore represent the Trust’s position.
See our unabridged comment on the original proposals here.
The application will be considered by Development Control Committee on Wednesday the 12th February. BPT is not planning to speak at the meeting as, having neither supported nor objected, we do not have a role to do so.
See the full Bath Chronicle article here.