Tesco Express, 13-20 High Street, Upper Weston

Display of 2no. internally illuminated fascia signs (Retrospective).
Our Response

13-20 High Street is an unlisted late 20th century commercial building situated within the Upper Weston area of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of Upper Weston’s local high street with some residential insertions, and is situated next to the Grade II early 19th century 23-25 High Street, and opposite the Grade II mid to late 19th century All Saints Church Centre and the Grade II mid-19th century 24-29 Church Street. It has a secondary façade on Crown Road on which further signage for Tesco Express is displayed, and therefore has an amplified visual impact on dual streetscapes within the conservation area. Application 13/04883/AR was permitted, but it appears that this was not implemented (see Google Street View 2019) and any current shop frontage illumination is restricted to the hanging sign.

BPT resists illuminated signage in principle. Bath is recognised as a low-illuminated city in which the maintained low levels of lighting complement the historic character and appearance of the city, and create a distinctive evening and night-time atmosphere. The erection of two illuminated signs of significant size would be of detriment to the special qualities of the World Heritage site and the setting of multiple listed buildings, and would neither preserve nor enhance the appearance and character of the conservation area.

The principle of illuminated signage is contrary to Policies B1, B4, BD1, D8, and D9 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, and should therefore be refused or withdrawn.

Application Number: 20/04076/AR
Application Date: 30/10/2020
Closing Date: 26/11/2020
Address: Tesco Express, 13-20 High Street, Upper Weston
Our Submission Status: Object