St Joseph’s Church, Sladebrook Road, Southdown, Bath

Redevelopment of redundant church site for 9no 3 bedroom houses.
Our Response The Trust welcomes this application on the basis that generally the proposed development appears to sit comfortably within its context, neither overdeveloping the site nor detracting from distinct local townscape character. The massing and heights of these buildings are contextually appropriate and we commend the applicant on their restraint in looking to build a scheme that contributes positively to local character and creates a good quality open traditional cul-de-sac. Our only comment would be that we are disappointed that this particular applicant is not proposing any affordable housing within this scheme. In addition we would recommend that Permitted Development rights are removed as part of any approval to maintain the integrity of the designed scheme.
Application Number: 18/00548/FUL
Application Date: 06/03/2018
Closing Date: 20/01/2018
Address: St Joseph's Church, Sladebrook Road, Southdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment