Parcel 0045, North Claverton Down Road, Claverton Down

Erection of temporary rural workers dwelling, stabling and all weather arena.
Our Response

The Trust is aware of the previous approvals for modest equestrian /agricultural use on this site and subsequent approvals for relatively small stables. A visit to the site reveals that no stable has been erected (or if it was, it has been removed) and that the copse has been cleared in the centre. The copse and the part of the site to be used for stabling and the arena, is surprisingly close to the road. The site is within the WHS site boundary and this is one the most attractive approaches to the World Heritage site, through this attractive rolling landscape setting.

This proposal is for the introduction of a much larger stable block and large three bed dwelling, which is described as temporary but from its size, it is clearly intended to become permanent. The commercial nature of the venture gives rise for concern about the level of site activity, lighting and signage, as well all the associated non-fixed paraphernalia associated with it. This would be at odds with the tranquil rural character of the area. Although the proposed temporary dwelling would be set down on lower contours, the applicant should be asked to demonstrate its impact on the surrounding countryside when seen from the north (Claverton Hill), the east and in particular public paths.

Because of the size of the buildings, they would be “inappropriate” development in the Greenbelt, and they would harm the openness of the Green belt the natural beauty of the AONB and the setting of the WHS.

The proposal would therefore be contrary to Placemaking Plan policies B4 (World Heritage Site), HE1a (Historic Environment), NE2 (Conserving and enhancing the landscape and landscape character), NE2A (Landscape setting of settlements) and CP8 (Green Belt).

Application Number: 19/01874/FUL
Application Date: 26/04/2019
Closing Date: 07/06/2019
Address: Parcel 0045, North Claverton Down Road, Claverton Down
Our Submission Status: Object