Erection of replacement dwelling.
Our Response

The proposed site of development is occupied by a 1950s dwelling along Perrymead. It is situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site, as well as the Bath Green Belt and Cotswolds AONB.

BPT appreciates that the existing dwelling is of a poor quality, and low historic or aesthetic value. Due to the location and existing vegetative screening of the proposal, we acknowledge that the proposed development will not have an actively negative impact on the conservation area, Green Belt, or AONB.

However, we question claims made in the D&A Statement that the existing property on the site would be unsuitable for effective energy retrofits. The claimed energy efficiency and sustainability of the proposed dwelling does not account for the energy used in demolition, reconstruction, or the production of new materials that will be used. Furthermore, this application does not consider the embedded carbon value of the existing property, and the consequent embedded carbon cost of the new-build, nor the resulting generation of landfill waste and air pollution.

Therefore, in the interests of a truly energy-efficient dwelling, the Trust would like to see designs that consider the positive retrofit and redevelopment of the existing property to minimise the damaging consequences of demolition in accordance with sections 2 and 14 of the NPPF, and Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, and CP6.

Application Number: 19/05326/FUL
Application Date: 10/12/2019
Closing Date: 17/01/2020
Address: Novar, Perrymead, Lyncombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment