Bathwick Hill House, Bathwick Hill, Bathwick, Bath

External and internal alterations to include replacement of two-storey extension with single storey orangery, landscaping works, repositioning the garage, a new rooflight to the swimming pool building and alterations to…
Our Response

Bathwick Hill House is a Grade II* detached Greek Revival villa situated within the Bath conservation are and World Heritage site. Its design is attributed to H.E Goodridge, along with its ancillary Grade II listed Lodge building positioned along the southern site boundary. Whilst the original historic boundary of the site has been gradually eroded by later development, particularly to the north from the 1920s, Bathwick Hill House remains set in generous grounds with a sweeping driveway, set back from Bathwick Hill and screened by mature planting. The building largely retains its original architectural form with some minor additions such as a 1990s two-storey side extension and contemporary rooflight.

In the existing and proposed elevations, there appears to be some change to the south elevation that is not elaborated on within the D&A Statement. The existing ground floor south elevation windows are six-over-nine timber sashes with margin lights, a distinctive style that matches those present on the north elevation. These appear to be replaced with more standardised six-over-nine timber sashes in the proposed south elevation. No mention is made of their potential replacement and no joinery details have been submitted.

In its current form, this application provides insufficient information on which to make a fully informed decision with regards to the proposal’s impact on the special historic and architectural interest of a listed building. Therefore, we suggest that the proposed nature of works is clarified. Should works include the replacement of the south-facing windows, we encourage the case officer to ask for further information relating to the windows’ age, condition, and existing joinery details.

Application Number: 20/04868/LBA
Application Date: 18/12/2020
Closing Date: 22/01/2021
Address: Bathwick Hill House, Bathwick Hill, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment