External works for the erection of timber boundary fence on the north boundary wall (regularisation).
Our Response

8 Elm Place forms part of a Grade II section of early 19th century terrace at 6-18 Elm Place, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of a two storey section of modest, residential terrace bookended by Grade II early 19th century three-storey residential dwellings at 2-4 and 20-24 Bloomfield Road. The terrace in its entirety has included long, strip garden plots to the rear with the inclusion of outbuildings ancillary to the main dwellings at the westernmost end overlooking the Bear Flat allotment gardens. These gardens have been historically bisected with low, stone boundary walls in coursed ashlar that run in an unbroken line alongside the full extent of the garden strip, and are considered to fall within the Grade II curtilage of the terrace by virtue of their historic age, location, and interconnected material relationship with the terrace. In some instances, these appear to have been built up (either historically, or at a later date) to a taller height around the access from the rear building offshoots, potentially to address privacy or overlooking concerns. In some cases, they may be indicative of earlier rear extensions. The rear of the terrace and its grouped garden setting is clearly visible from Bloomfield Open Space and the western access off Bloomfield Road, and therefore requires a sensitivity of design and materiality regarding any proposed interventions that may have a visual impact on the open, unobscured appearance and character of the Grade II terrace.

We therefore maintain that the use of a timber fence would be an incongruous material addition, out of character with the established boundary material vernacular of stone, and metal railings across street-facing elevations. Due to the large height and scale of the fence, it is a visually prominent addition which further contrasts with its sensitive historic context. Whilst we acknowledge that there is a greater degree of aesthetic heterogeneity across the rear elevation and gardens, a vernacular material consistency has been retained, with which this fence would sharply contrast.

We note the intention for a forthcoming application to rebuild the section of wall that is referenced as “missing”, and strongly recommend that further details are provided regarding the boundary wall pattern and grain to the rear of the terrace to better inform a boundary solution which would better sustain and enhance the special historic and architectural interest of a listed building.

Application Number: 21/02407/LBA
Application Date: 19/05/2021
Closing Date: 17/09/2021
Address: 8 Elm Place, Bloomfield Road, Bloomfield
Our Submission Status: Comment