External alterations for the refurbishment of roof.
Our Response

55 Richmond Place forms part of a Grade II late Georgian terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The terrace currently has a visible variety of roof materials including natural slate and clay double roman pantiles, as well as more inappropriate options such as asbestos and cement tiles.

The Trust is supportive in principle of the works proposed. We feel the replacement of the existing asbestos tiles with natural slate equivalents would improve the material and aesthetic integrity of a listed building.

However, we are surprised at the apparent lack of information provided as part of this application, considering the building’s Grade II status. We would suggest that relevant existing and proposed drawings of the roof are provided to the LPA, as well as a conclusive sample of the proposed slate type for use, so that Officers can make a proper assessment of the impact.

Application Number: 20/02508/LBA
Application Date: 16/07/2020
Closing Date: 20/08/2020
Address: 55 Richmond Place, Beacon Hill, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment