External alteration to include installation of fascia & new awning canopy to the front elevation.
Our Response

Whilst we accept that this application looks to place a new awning canopy on the existing structure, we cannot assess the impact and therefore the acceptability of the signage on the listed building as the drawings do not show the proposed colours on either the fascia or new canopy. There appears to be a disconnect between what is shown in the rather fuzzy drawings of the shop front and awning, and the annotations which detail a red, black and gold leaf shop front and lettering. The proposed colours of the signage and awning should be provided on the drawings so that a proper assessment of the impact of the signage on the special interest of the listed building, and the sensitive historic local street scene can be made.

This application should not be determined until further information is submitted and we therefore object to the application has it currently stands.

Application Number: 18/04473/LBA
Application Date: 15/11/2018
Closing Date: 15/11/2018
Address: 5 Bladud Buildings, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Object