Alterations for a shop refit, new shopfront window frame and fascia colour, new logo and associated signage.
Our Response

The Trust finds the proposed fascia treatment acceptable and in keeping with the street scene, however we are concerned regarding the proposed materials and illumination. Whilst the acrylic aluminium anodized gold finish lettering may be acceptable, the green acrylic is not. In both cases internal illumination is unacceptable and would result in a low quality aesthetic that is not in keeping with this primary shopping frontage and historic street scene. We recommend that the secondary lettering is amended to a better quality material and the internal illumination is removed.

The proposed scheme would neither preserve nor enhance the special interest of the listed building, the character and appearance of the conservation area and would detract from the special qualities of the WHS. The scheme would be contrary to Section 12 (Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment) of the NPPF, policies B1, B2, B4, and CP6 of the B&NES Core Strategy and policies CP6, D.2, HE1, D.9, B.4, B.2 of the Placemaking Plan. It is also contrary to the Commercial Signage and Tables/Chairs in the Conservation Area SPD. We would therefore recommend the application be withdrawn or refused.

Application Number: 18/01708/FUL
Application Date: 17/05/2018
Closing Date: 17/05/2018
Address: 14 Union Street, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Object