Erection of 2-storey side and single storey rear extensions after demolition of existing detached garage.
Our Response

217 Newbridge Road is an unlisted semi-detached residential property located within a suburban portion of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. Whilst this area is not of high historic significance, it is characterised by the medium-density, symmetrical style of building construction, and the incorporation of Edwardian and interwar dwellings of either a terraced or semi-detached nature.

BPT does not object to the principle of development within this area, and we do not oppose the construction of the rear portion of the proposed extension.
However, we feel that the two storey side extension to the property is indicative of overdevelopment, and we have concerns that this will disrupt the visual uniformity of the area in which this would establish a precedent. In particular, the scale of the extension and the proposed elongation of the existing roofline would unbalance 217 Newbridge Road’s visual relationship with its attached neighbour. The construction of a single storey garage would be far preferable as the shared building’s roofline would consequently be retained.

Application Number: 19/04736/FUL
Application Date: 30/10/2019
Closing Date: 21/11/2019
Address: 217 Newbridge Road, Newbridge
Our Submission Status: Comment