Alterations to existing conservatory and existing flat roof.
Our Response

13 St Mark’s Road forms part of a Grade II three storey 1830 terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The street constitutes a high concentration of Grade II 1830 terraced dwellings and late 19th century semi-detached dwellings along St Mark’s Road, culminating in the monumental Grade II Former Church of St Mark at the end of the road. There is some restricted public visibility of the rear of the terrace from along Calton Road.

The Trust is surprised by the absence of adequate supplementary documentation as part of this application. We question how this application was validated by the LPA without the submission of a Heritage Statement, or acknowledgement of the building’s Grade II statutory listing as part of the D&A Statement, to suitably describe the proposed works and assess the potential material, architectural, and aesthetic impact to a Grade II listed building and its wider terraced setting.

We note that an LBC may not be required if works are restricted to the contemporary, non-historic extension to the rear of the building. However, the extent of works appears to include the fitting of a new roof and other works which would likely be fixed or structurally dependent on the rear elevation of the building. We therefore strongly recommend that further information is provided as to how the existing conservatory has been fixed to the building rear and whether these existing fixings would continue to be reused for the benefit of the LPA.

Application Number: 20/04357/FUL
Application Date: 18/11/2020
Closing Date: 24/12/2020
Address: 13 St Mark's Road, Widcombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment