Garage Block Between Grosvenor House And Coach Cottage, Ringswell Gardens, Lambridge, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset


Erection of 1 and a half storey, 2bed residential dwelling following demolition of 8no. garages

Our Response

The proposal site is located within the World Heritage Site and Bath-city wide conservation area. Buildings that are included on the National Heritage List for England in the vicinity include, Grosvenor House (Grade I), Nos. 1-7 Alexander Buildings (Grade II) and Nos. 1-41 Grosvenor Place (Grade I).

Development of the site has been subject to pre-application advice from the Local Planning Authority (LPA), via application 22/03476/PA02.

Application 23/01247/FUL (Erection of a two bed, one storey mews dwelling, to follow demolition of 8no. garages) was withdrawn on 09.01.24. Historic England and a conservation officer from the LPA raised concerns with the scheme via their respective comments as published.

The character of dwellings in the conservation area, in the immediate vicinity of the proposal site, is chiefly defined by polite buildings of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Coach Cottage to the south of the proposal site, appears to date from the nineteenth century and has been subject to alteration. Though seemingly altered, elements of its modest design suggest that it was built for an ancillary use, such as a coach house or for servants’ accommodation. This reflects the typical historic approach to buildings to the rear of polite dwellings, such as those listed buildings on the southern side of London Road.

It is noted that the sustainable construction checklist as submitted, refers to solar photovoltaic panels (PVs) on the south-west roof slope; however, none are depicted on the roof as per the proposed west elevation drawing. PVs are depicted on the proposed east (rear) elevation.

With reference to bio-diversity net gain, it is not evident that this has been clearly demonstrated via the submission.

The proposed loss of the subject garage block is welcomed in principle, as it does not provide a positive contribution to the setting of the listed buildings or the character of the conservation area.

Boundary treatments in the immediate vicinity of the proposal site, to the south of the London Road, are in the main Bath stone walls. The proposed use of metalwork railings is not in keeping with a building that should be subservient and suggests a polite, grander location and building. This element will detract from the setting of the listed building and the immediate character of the conservation area.

The proposed quoins are not appropriate for a building that should be suitably modest and the set-back left-hand bay detracts from what could be a simple design. As for the roof, a concealed roof behind a parapet, would be more in keeping with an historic approach and present a simpler form.

The principle of the inclusion of an air source heat pump and PVs - the latter to the rear only - is welcomed.

Broadly the principle of the scheme is welcomed; however, revisions should be sought to provide a more subservient design for a building in the setting of listed buildings and where the historic and existing character is relatively modest.

Application Number: 24/02595/FUL
Application Date: 11/07/2024
Closing Date: 19/08/2024
Address: Garage Block Between Grosvenor House And Coach Cottage, Ringswell Gardens, Lambridge, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset,
Our Submission Status: Comment