20 – 21 Green Park Mews, Kingsmead, Bath, Bath and North-East Somerset, BA1 1JD


Various minor alterations to create new work/office spaces including replacing and re-profiling of the roof, overall internal refurbishment and upgrade of external envelope and services etc to meet the requirements of the approved use

Our Response

For clarity, the consideration of the application is generally limited to the retrofit element(s).

20-21 Green Park Mews (Nos.20-21) is located within the World Heritage Site(s) and the Bath city-wide conservation area. Nos. 20-30 Green Park to the south-east are included on the National Heritage List for England (NHLE) at Grade II (list entry number: 1396258).

Nos. 20-21 are likely to have been originally constructed as coach houses, serving the houses to the south-east. There are former coach houses to the north-east of the proposal site that are included on the NHLE at Grade II (list entry number: 1396272).

The character of the conservation area in the immediate vicinity of the proposal site, chiefly comprises the rear elevations of the polite terrace of houses to the south-east, the highway (Midland Bridge Road) and the buildings of the wider mews, the majority of which are likely to have been coach houses and have been subject to various alterations. They remain clearly subservient in form to the terrace to the south-east.

Nos. 20-21 have roofs with corrugated coverings and are located at the southern end of the mews, towards Midland Bridge.

Application 24/02117/FUL (Change of use from car servicing/MOT and sales garage (sui generis) to commercial, business and services (Use Class E(g)) [Nos. 20-21) was permitted on 24 July 2024.

With regard to the Design and Access Statement and “Replacement of rear windows – reinstate “original” sliding sash windows to rear wall” (section 7.0). With reference to drawing 477.P.300 P1 (elevations as proposed), the proposed windows are in aluminium and one over one. Consideration could be given to the use of double glazing in this context in order to aid thermal efficiency.

Given the immediate context of the site, it appears that the proposed pv panels will not detract from the setting of the listed buildings, the character and appearance of the conservation area or the OUVs of the World Heritage Site. The subject buildings will remain as being legible as rather functional buildings that are subservient to the polite terrace.

If the Local Planning Authority is moved to permit the scheme, then consideration should be given to attaching a condition relating to the specific design of the pv panels.

Application Number: 24/03458/FUL
Application Date: 11/09/2024
Closing Date: 31/10/2024
Address: 20 - 21 Green Park Mews, Kingsmead, Bath, Bath and North-East Somerset, BA1 1JD
Our Submission Status: Comment