16 Lansdown Place East, Lansdown, Bath, Bath and North-East Somerset, BA1 5ET
Installation of 2no. replacement timber-framed, slim-profile, double-glazed sash windows.
16 Lansdown Place East (No. 16) is included on the National Heritage List for England at Grade II (list entry number: 1394113).
Unfortunately, the Heritage Statement does not appear to comment on what, if any, contribution the subject windows and their glazing make to the significance of the listed building. This is contrary to the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). “The level of detail should be proportionate to the assets’ importance and no more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on their significance.” (para. 200, NPPF: December 2023).
Whilst it is not evident if the subject windows add to the significance of No. 16. If it is concluded that they do, then their proposed loss should be fully justified in line with the requirements of the NPPF. “Any harm to, or the loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset…should require clear and convincing justification” (para. 206, NPPF: December 2023). This could take the form of a comprehensive report detailing where each has failed and why repair cannot be undertaken.
The drawing titled ‘joinery details’ depicts a replacement window with sash horns, whereas the drawing ‘slimline box sashes’, has a two over two window without sash horns. Given this, it is unclear as to what is proposed.
Unfortunately, there is insufficient information contained within the application to undertake a proper evaluation and therefore the application cannot be supported.
Notwithstanding the above, BPT supports and advocates for sensitive sustainability retrofits, that are appropriate to the special qualities of listed buildings.