14 Pera Place, Walcot, Bath, Bath and North-East Somerset, BA1 5NX


Replacement of all existing Victorian windows with Ultimate Rose wood-look-alike uPVC windows.

Our Response

The subject terraced house (No. 14) is located within the World Heritage Site and the Bath-City wide conservation area, both designated heritage assets. No. 14 is likely to date from the latter part of the nineteenth century and the existing subject windows are constructed from timber and are single glazed.

The character of the conservation area in the immediate vicinity of No. 14 is principally defined by dwellings of the latter part of the nineteenth century and the twentieth century. From a review of google street view it appears that some of the historic properties in the vicinity may have plastic windows to their front elevations. The respective planning histories have not been consulted and therefore it is not evident if this work benefits from planning permission.

With reference to the application form, it is noted that the Local Planning Authority (LPA) has provided pre-application advice, which included “The use of uPVC is not generally recommended within the Conservation Area”.

The submitted drawing (3) 004 (proposed north-east and south-west elevations) [22/08/2024], depicts one over one windows to the ground and first floors levels of the front elevation (south-west) and one over one windows at first floor level to the rear elevation (north-east). The photograph as submitted (ultimate rose window 6 over 2) [07/08/2024], shows a window with a six over two glazing pattern. Given this, it is unclear as to what is proposed.

Notwithstanding the apparent use of plastic windows in a number of historic buildings in the immediate vicinity of No. 14 as per the above, BPT cannot support the scheme as it fails to preserve or enhance the historic character of the conservation area and therefore its significance.

The applicant could of course consider suitable repairs to the existing windows, if/where possible. If, however, they are beyond repair and wholesale replacement is required, consideration could be given to one over one designs with vacuum or slimline double glazing, integrated draughtproofing and regular maintenance.

The proposal is contrary to the provision of 72 (1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the provision of section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (December 2023) and B&NES Council adopted polices D2 and HE1.
BPT is supportive of sensitive of retrofit that is appropriate to the special qualities of the historic environment; however, unfortunately this scheme cannot be looked upon favourably.

Application Number: 24/03014/FUL
Application Date: 22/08/2024
Closing Date: 03/10/2024
Address: 14 Pera Place, Walcot, Bath, Bath and North-East Somerset, BA1 5NX
Our Submission Status: Object