The Manor, Bradford Road, Bathford, Bath

Erection of detached garage with roof terrace.
Our Response

The Manor is an unlisted dwelling situated within the Bath Green Belt and Cotswolds AONB. Proposals for extensions were permitted in 2017 (see 17/03195/FUL), although it was later noted that this proposal exceeded the appropriate volume of permitted extension development within the Green Belt. A retrospective application for a rear extension and other alterations of a greater volume was refused in 2019 (see 19/03282/FUL); BPT objected to resubmitted retrospective application 20/01721/FUL for a volume increase of over 30% within the Green Belt, which was consequently permitted.

We are concerned that the proposed garage could constitute a further volume increase of the residential use of the site with resulting detriment to the openness of the Green Belt. The attachment of the garage to provide a roof terrace could indicate potential for residential conversion in future. We recommend that a condition is attached to any permission granted to restrict the conversion of the garage into a further extension of the dwelling, considering the sensitivity of its setting and the already excessive scale of the property.

Application Number: 21/02370/FUL
Application Date: 17/05/2021
Closing Date: 11/06/2021
Address: The Manor, Bradford Road, Bathford, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment