Sydney Wharf Railway Bridge, Sydney Place, Bathwick

Display of 2 no. signs (strike plate) for information purposes on railway overbridge.
Our Response

Sydney Warf Railway Bridge is a Grade II late Georgian road bridge over the former Great Western Railway. It is situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site, and forms part of a small residential region of the city made up of a mix of historic and contemporary terraces.

Due to the precedent established on other historic bridges in the area such as the Grade II* Sydney Road Bridge and Grade II Beckford Road Bridge, BPT does not object to the display of two strike plates on Sydney Wharf Railway Bridge. We acknowledge the necessity of these signs as a legal requirement, and understand the historic fabric lost by fixing the sign will have a greater benefit than harm. Ultimately, we support the use of a sign in a matching design, size, and material to other historic bridges within the vicinity to maintain an aesthetic uniformity around the boundary of the Grade II Sydney Gardens.

Application Number: 19/04647/LBA
Application Date: 23/10/2019
Closing Date: 21/11/2019
Address: Sydney Wharf Railway Bridge, Sydney Place, Bathwick
Our Submission Status: Support