Street Record, Milsom Street, Bath

Erection of 24 temporary retail chalets along Milsom Street and 2 mobile catering pitches for 18 days for the Bath Christmas Market.
Our Response

As with other historic environment respondees, we are uncomfortable with the concept of Milsom Street being used for chalets due to the associated impact, albeit temporary, on the character of this part of the conservation area and the setting of multiple heritage assets. We question the logic of cluttering and thereby devaluing this primary shopping street, the appeal of which has always been its distinct ‘high end’ quality.

We would have preferred to see an application that proposed the location on Walcot Street. Given the trading/footfall problems faced by businesses in Walcot Street, and the fact that the mixed nature of the offerings from the chalets may well suit the mixed artisan character of that street we feel the chalets could better be located there, to raise the profile of this characterful street and bring people up from the central area to enjoy its ambience. It is clear Milsom Street needs no promotion as a shopping area but Walcot Street does. We would suggest this as a better solution to the problem of the displacement of chalets around the Abbey whilst works are occurring.

Application Number: 18/03334/FUL
Application Date: 07/09/2018
Closing Date: 07/09/2018
Address: Street Record, Milsom Street, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment