External alterations for the replacement of existing (non original) dilapidated shed. Replace gates (within gateway).
Our Response

This application is in relation to the “walled kitchen gardens” (Historic England) that fall under the Grade II* designation of the Georgian terraced Crescent, Bloomfield Crescent, due to their age, curtilage position and historic ancillary relationship and consequently shared aesthetic and historic significance with the Crescent. The site is situated within the Bath World Heritage site, and overlooks the conservation area.

BPT has no comments regarding the proposed shed design or location, although we are pleased to see that the roofline sits below the boundary wall and is therefore concealed from the public realm.

However, we are disappointed that minimal information has been provided regarding the appearance and materials of either the existing or proposed gate, as this aspect of the scheme will directly impact the appearance of a Grade II* heritage asset and the public realm. We would therefore recommend that suitable elevations and documentation with a material and design specification are submitted to the LPA for consideration before this application is allowed to progress further.

Application Number: 20/00357/LBA
Application Date: 31/01/2020
Closing Date: 27/02/2020
Address: Plot 2, Rear Of 18-20 Bloomfield Drive, Bloomfield
Our Submission Status: Comment