Parcel 0045 North, Claverton Down Road, Claverton Down

Erection of additional stabling and creation of all weather riding arena with new landscaping to screen equestrian site.
Our Response

The proposed site of development is situated along North Claverton Down Road within the Green Belt, AONB, and the World Heritage Site. It forms part of the attractive, rolling landscape setting of the World Heritage Site on the approach into the Bath conservation area and urban city centre. It is hemmed in by Sites of Natural Conservation Interest to the east and west. The site is positioned close to the roadside behind a rubble stone wall boundary and therefore retains a distinct level of public visibility. The copse on the site has since been largely cleared which has drastically opened up the site further within public views. We note the previous 10/01463/FUL approval for a small 2-stall stable on the site, although this does not appear to have been built.

The Trust previously objected to application 19/01874/FUL on grounds of inappropriate development within the Green Belt. We note that this resubmission has excluded the temporary rural worker’s dwelling from proposed works, and reduced the footprint of the stables and manège.

We note the agent’s email specifies that the site would be used for “training and recreational use only” by the client and his family. However, the D&A Statement indicates that the site would be used for training younger horses, as indicated as part of previous application 19/01874/FUL, albeit for personal use. There is no indication that this site could not, or would not be used as part of the client’s horse training business, particularly considering the retention of a significantly sized all-weather manege as part of the scheme. We maintain that the classification of the site under Exception B of paragraph 145 of the NPPF “for outdoor sport, outdoor recreation” is inaccurate and uphold the case officer’s previous assessment of the site’s proposed use (see application 19/01874/FUL Delegated Report), and this application would therefore continue to constitute inappropriate development within the Green Belt.

We therefore maintain our previous concerns about the associated level of site activity, lighting and signage, as well all the associated non-fixed paraphernalia associated with it, all which would be at odds with the undeveloped and tranquil rural character of the area. Whilst we note that the overall footprint of the stables would be reduced, the height and scale of the building outline remain the same (albeit with a reduction in the north elevation length of 0.576m) and would consequently maintain the same degree of visual impact and enclosure of the openness of the Green Belt. The proposed outdoor manege would have the same degree of visual impact through the introduction of a significant volume of hard/artificial landscaping.

We continue to ask that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding countryside as seen from long-ranging views from the north and east are included as part of this application.

This proposal is for the introduction of a much larger stable block and large three bed dwelling, which is described as temporary but from its size, it is clearly intended to become permanent. The commercial nature of the venture gives rise for concern about the Although the proposed temporary dwelling would be set down on lower contours, the applicant should be asked to demonstrate its impact on the surrounding countryside when seen from the north (Claverton Hill), the east and in particular public paths.

Through the introduction of a new building of significant scale and enclosure this application constitutes inappropriate development within the Green Belt without demonstration of special circumstances, and would harm the openness of the Green Belt, the natural beauty of the AONB, and the setting of the World Heritage Site. This proposal is therefore contrary to Section 13 of the NPPF, and Policies B4, HE1, NE2, NE2A, and CP8 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, and should be refused or withdrawn.

Application Number: 20/04471/FUL
Application Date: 24/11/2020
Closing Date: 17/12/2020
Address: Parcel 0045 North, Claverton Down Road, Claverton Down
Our Submission Status: Object