Mawingo, Granville Road, Lansdown, Bath

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of an apartment building comprising 8no. flats, associated works including car parking, amenity space and landscaping (Resubmission).
Our Response The Trust welcomes the changes to this scheme and the addition of detailed Landscape Visual Impact Assessments. In particular the scaling down of the scheme and the simplification of the design has been beneficial. The LVIA’s serve to show that this building will impact visually only marginally on the overall now urban character of this ridge that has been the subject of regrettable cumulative development which has become harmful to the OUV of the WHS. The verified visual montages show the roof treatment to a slate style colour and material, yet the application details the use of Redland clay tiles or clay pantiles, which we assume will be a clay red colour. In our view the roof should be a grey colour to be recessive on the hillside and in long views, we would leave to the case officer’s discretion what that material could be but of course natural slate would be optimum given the Bath palette.
Application Number: 18/01377/FUL
Application Date: 19/04/2018
Closing Date: 19/04/2018
Address: Mawingo, Granville Road, Lansdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment