Replacement of windows to part of North, East and West elevations with new UPVC vertical sliding sash windows to match existing.
Our Response

Greystones is an unlisted building constructed in 1900, situated within the outer portion of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The area is characterised by its low density plan form and the retained historic presence of detached historic villas within generous private garden plots. Consequently, Greystones remains visually significant within the streetscape due to its detached setting, prominent size and road-facing elevation, and retention of vernacular features such as Victorian-style timber one-over-one sliding sash windows.

In principle, BPT objects to the installation of uPVC windows in historic buildings, whether designated or non-designated, due to the consequent detriment to the aesthetic and material character the Bath conservation area. The replacement of the existing timber sash windows with uPVC in the building’s eastern elevation will have a directly negative impact on the streetscape, and establish a precedent for the removal of existing timber sliding sash windows used within the area. We would therefore strongly recommend that this aspect of the scheme is reconsidered in relation to the aesthetic character and material palette of the Hayesfield Park portion of the conservation area.

Furthermore, the Trust feels that the application is incomplete, and is lacking necessary documents for the LPA to make a proper assessment of the impact. We notice that the application is lacking the proposed west and south elevations, and the existing east and north elevations. The changes presented within the available elevations are additionally confusing, and do not appear to match up with the proposal as specified in the D&A Statement. The proposed east elevation instead states that “all existing painted timber windows to the main house to be retained and refurbished as required”, and additionally indicates the presence of “replacement windows to bedroom wing” which have not been detailed within the application. Therefore, the proposed works and location of window replacement should be clarified before this application is permitted to progress further.

This application therefore neither preserves nor enhances the character and appearance of the Bath conservation area, and is contrary to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Section 16 of the NPPF, and Policies B1, BD1, CP6, D1, D2, D3, and HE1 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, and should be refused or withdrawn. We further recommend the submission of adequate plans to better enable an informed assessment of the proposed scheme.

Application Number: 19/05529/FUL
Application Date: 06/01/2020
Closing Date: 13/02/2020
Address: Greystones, Hayesfield Park, Lyncombe
Our Submission Status: Object