Flat 1, Basement, 46 Great Pulteney Street, Bath

Erection of new garden room.
Our Response

The insertion of a glazed infill can often be a lightweight, creative contemporary solution to the need for more space in buildings of special architectural interest, and the use of glass ensures that the building elevations are still seen and legible. Therefore we have no concerns regarding this element of the proposals.

The applicant has not provided any meaningful historic analysis which may support their proposal to create an opening in the side wall. This could include details of why this section of wall is thinner than the rest of the wall, and what may have been there before. If the applicant provided a level of detail proportionate to the significance of the asset (as per the NPPF), it may be possible to gain a better understanding to inform the planning balance in terms of the level of harm to what level of significance of fabric (i.e a heritage impact assessment) in creating this opening. We could not support the loss of the ground floor window but it appears that it is to be retained (and can be viewed through the glazed extension).

Application Number: 18/01587/FUL
Application Date: 10/04/2018
Closing Date: 10/05/2018
Address: Flat 1, Basement, 46 Great Pulteney Street, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment