Demolition of a workshop roof. Erection of a new single storey rear conservatory entrance to accommodate a suitable entrance to the property to the new kitchen/ dining area and a…
Our Response

Diamond Cottage is an unlisted late 19th century semi-detached cottage situated within the Bathampton conservation area and the indicative landscape setting of the Bath World Heritage Site. The cottage has undergone a series of later alterations, including the addition of a single storey extensions to the rear. However, the two storey extension appears to be contemporaneous to the cottage’s age and is congruous in its material treatment of Bath stone ashlar. It adjoins The Cottage, which has also been subject to a two storey extension around 2004. However, the historic façade of the two cottages in Bath stone ashlar has been retained, with two ‘wings’ flanking a central gable end, overlooking the high street from its elevated garden position.

BPT is resistant to the proposed replacement of the existing timber sash windows with uPVC. The cottage retains 8-over-8 timber sash windows of a relatively fine profile across its principal elevation, and its side elevation is also visually prominent along the Normans and in mid-range views from the high street. The use of uPVC would therefore introduce an increasingly thick and chunky profile which would not accurately replicate the building’s existing profile, and would be of detriment to the appearance of a historic building and the visual amenities of the conservation area. The use of uPVC in the conservation area would be inappropriate.

We therefore maintain that where replacements are deemed necessary, timber sash windows of an appropriate matching fenestration pattern, profile, and finish should be considered. Another option may be the refurbishment and repair of the existing windows to extend their life and improve their performance if they are in an adequate condition.

The proposed use of uPVC windows would not preserve or enhance the appearance or character of the conservation area and would be contrary to Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990, Section 16 of the NPPF, and Policies B1, CP6, D1, D2, D3, D5, and HE1 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan and should be refused or withdrawn.

Application Number: 21/05686/FUL
Application Date: 23/12/2021
Closing Date: 03/02/2022
Address: Diamond Cottage, High Street, Bathampton
Our Submission Status: Object