Erection of a marquee.
Our Response

BPT objects to the proposal for this marquee to be erected for the same period each year ‘in perpetuity’. The overall information submitted is insufficient to judge the visual impact of this structure against the building (a non-designated heritage asset) or within the Conservation Area. Elevations or photos would have been helpful to understand the relationship of the marquee to its surroundings.

Even with this information, our recommendation is that, if the marquee is not deemed to have a detrimental impact on the local visual amenity, permission should be granted for a period of time such as 5 years, so that the structure and its impact can be subject to planning review and control on a regular basis to ensure it remains a neutral or beneficial feature within the townscape.

We note that the building is very colourfully flood lit but can find no permissions for the external lighting or signage lighting, should these not be included in this or a separate planning application?

Application Number: 19/01099/FUL
Application Date: 15/03/2019
Closing Date: 11/04/2019
Address: County Hotel, 18-19 Pulteney Road
Our Submission Status: Object