Erection of single storey timber outbuilding.
Our Response

Comment: stability or otherwise of the cliff edge or the potential danger to the applicant or residents below or if any structural survey has been carried out.

As an aside, referring to it as 'a timber outbuilding' in the main application, the D&A states the proposed outbuilding seeks to future-proof the use of the site as a family home by providing sufficient accommodation to serve the family’s needs which to our mind looks to be an additional dwelling not an outbuilding. Further urbanising and developing this valued green wooded area that serves as a valued part of the setting of the WHS is also of concern given any light spill etc will be highly visible across the valley.

Application Number: 18/00756/FUL
Application Date: 27/03/2018
Closing Date: 27/03/2018
Address: Birch House, Mount Beacon, Beacon Hill
Our Submission Status: Comment