Change of use from A1 (Shop) to mixed use A1/A3/A4 (Cafe/Bar) and siting of external seating area on outside pavement.
Our Response The Trust does not usually comment on internal proposals. We are concerned however regarding the lack of information on the tables and chairs proposed for the exterior of the shop. As this is a busy pavement in a sensitive historic townscape, the amount of furniture will be a key consideration. The application should include a drawing of the plan layout, and images of the proposed furniture. An elevation or street context drawing or photomontage would also be useful. We would also expect to see an AR application for this scheme.
Application Number: 18/03372/FUL
Application Date: 31/08/2018
Closing Date: 31/08/2018
Address: Beer Craft Of Bath, 3 Argyle Street, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment