Bath Spa University, Sion Road, Lansdown, Bath

Fell 5 individual trees and group of elm, undertake tree pruning operations as stated in schedule of tree works.
Our Response

The proposed site of tree works is the setting of Bath Spa University campus on Sion Hill, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The site is located adjacent to the Grade I late 18th century terrace of townhouses at Somerset Place. As existing, the university building is set within extensive landscaped grounds of mixed open land and woodland. Denser tree planting are concentrated along the site boundaries, particularly to the south-east corner and along the western boundary, completely screening the campus from public view from Sion Hill and Sion Hill Place. As a result, this wooded site contributes to the enclosed character of the streetscape within this character area of the conservation area, and creates a distinctly green intervention in collaboration with neighbouring sites such as Summerhill Park, in what is otherwise a built-up area of Bath’s historic, urban residential neighbourhood. Tree planting additionally screens the university building from historic streetscape views, which would otherwise be a large and overly prominent later addition to the area.

We are pleased to see that the proposed works form part of a wider, comprehensive scheme of maintenance works for the trees across the site. However, we continue to emphasise the significance of sustaining the existing tree canopy and the resulting screening of the campus from public views as well as the green contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area. This should be considered in ongoing and future maintenance works, and tree felling may require replanting where appropriate to ensure that the existing tree canopy is retained and enhanced.

Application Number: 22/00667/TCA
Application Date: 15/02/2022
Closing Date: 14/03/2022
Address: Bath Spa University, Sion Road, Lansdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment