Variation of condition 21 (Plans List) of application 16/02527/FUL (Demolition of existing building and construction of new restaurant, 16 micro-apartments and associated works).
Our Response

The proposed site of development is situated at 44 Lower Bristol Road within the boundary of Bath’s World Heritage site. It is situated within the setting of the Grade II Newark Works, a mid-19th century engineering works.

BPT has no comment regarding the proposed design changes to the building.

However, we are concerned regarding the proposed change of materials, particularly the proposal for the use of grey stone pigment cladding and a “dark grey render” in favour of Bath stone pigment cladding. We feel that this change in material and colour palette would be inappropriate when considering the prevalent use of Bath stone ashlar in the area for both historic and more contemporary buildings. We therefore feel that the retention of a Bath stone-coloured façade is necessary for the retention of the consistent appearance of the townscape and the setting of a Grade II listed building; the use of dark grey render would ultimately disconnect the building from its context, and visually harm an aspect of Bath’s uniform, aesthetic character.

Regarding other proposed material changes, we would therefore request that samples of materials are provided within this application, both previously consented materials and proposed materials, to allow a competent comparison and assessment.

Application Number: 19/05347/VAR
Application Date: 10/12/2019
Closing Date: 17/01/2020
Address: Banglo, 44 Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland
Our Submission Status: Comment