Internal alterations to include removal of all inappropriate mortar material and replace with a lime mortar to match the original historic mortar as closely as possible.
Our Response

6 Portland Place forms part of a Grade II* Georgian terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. Whilst not mentioned explicitly within the listing description, the raised pavement and accompanying vaults are included within the listing due to their positively contribution to the grand position and framing of Portland Place facing down towards Julian Road, which forms part of the Georgian designed promenades and pedestrian routes that contribute towards the town planning OUV of the World Heritage site. The associated vaults not only provide important evidential and social significance as to the terrace’s functional history, with their damp, subterranean character largely surviving modern conversion, but remain a distinctive example of the homogenous architectural OUV of the World Heritage site.

Therefore, the Trust is supportive of the proposed removal of inappropriate, cementitious mortar-work from the vault interior, and the use of a breathable, natural alternative for repairs.

We do not oppose the insertion of ventilation holes through what appears to be a later, contemporary infill, and instead encourage the implementation of passive ventilation methods, such as improving natural air flow, in order to reduce dampness issues.

Considering the benefits of the scheme as proposed, we would additionally recommend that the applicant makes contact with the BANES Highway Department, if they have not done so already, regarding possible maintenance works to the footway over the vaults. We appreciate that these communications would not form part of this application, but we feel it is important to consolidate both the interior and exterior structure of the vaults to best prevent further leakage and associated damp damage.

Application Number: 20/01512/LBA
Application Date: 01/05/2020
Closing Date: 30/05/2020
Address: 6 Portland Place, Lansdown
Our Submission Status: Support