Erection of 1.8m fence to the front garden boundary and along the divisional boundary between Nos 51 and 53.
Our Response

51 Eastfield Avenue is an unlisted mid-20th century semi-detached dwelling and part of a wider residential estate, situated within the World Heritage Site and the immediate indicative townscape setting of the Bath conservation area. It makes up part of the Western Estate and wider post-war development of ‘garden suburbs’ to the north-east and south-east edges of Bath. As a result, the estate is of a mid-density suburban character, with spacious private gardens and significant areas of public green space that facilitate pedestrian movement between houses. Additional garden space is provided to the front of dwellings, which contributes to the publicly perceived open and green character of this townscape. A lot of these garden spaces have been retained without boundary markers, but where markers have been established to provide security/privacy to residents, this boundary character is defined by the use of green planting and hedgerows, and the use of other, transparent barriers such as low picket fencing. Consequently, these boundary types do sustain established character and local distinctiveness.

Therefore, we oppose the proposed installation of a 1.8m close boarded fence around the front garden plot which would be entirely out of keeping with the established character of this garden suburb. The height and solid quality of the proposed boundary treatment would have a direct adverse impact on the openness of this suburb and the perceived, interconnected relationship of the semi-detached housing typology as part of the wider garden suburb pattern.

A more sympathetic boundary treatment such as hedging of an increased height to match that at 49 Eastfield Avenue would soften the impact of an increased boundary height and sustain the green character of the townscape.

This application in its current form is therefore contrary to Policies B1, CP6, D1, D2, and D3 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan, and should be refused or withdrawn.

Application Number: 21/05090/FUL
Application Date: 15/11/2021
Closing Date: 20/12/2021
Address: 51 Eastfield Avenue, Upper Weston, Bath
Our Submission Status: Object