Erection of first floor rear extension.
Our Response

The Trust has a general concern regarding the cumulative impact of changes to this terrace. Whilst we understand the applicant’s desire to make the most of the views from this dwelling, our point of view is concerned with the overall cumulative harm to these highly visible examples of modern post war housing in Bath. In this context we find this proposal to be unsympathetic and potentially harmful to the character of the terrace and long views from the city.

We are concerned regarding the entire loss of the balcony element which is part of the particular design intent of these dwellings. The scheme proposes an extension which will cover the entire first floor elevation; the horizontal emphasis of the windows is at odds with the predominant character of verticality seen in the terrace. The use of No.45 as an example is inappropriate given that that extension uses a vertical emphasis and retains a glazed balcony element. The use of grey brick is also not appropriate. In our view the proposed extension will be a discordant entity in the terrace and within long views into the site and the design should be amended.

Application Number: 18/00264/FUL
Application Date: 19/02/2018
Closing Date: 20/01/2018
Address: 44 Calton Gardens, Lyncombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment